Thanks so much for your response, Jamillah. Maybe you misinterpreted my article. I was always able to provide food and shelter for my daughter, just not much more than that. I’m going to assume you’re one of my newer readers. If you followed my earlier articles, you’d understand the relationship between my daughter’s mother and me was…. strained. You’d also know that I’ve ALWAYS put my daughter first, including deciding to chase my career rather than settle for a job. And while I was chasing my career, I worked many, many odd jobs to make sure my daughter was taken care of. I just hated that I couldn’t buy her incredible gifts at Christmas and for her birthday. Your point about mothers having it harder because they have to be with the child and do pickup jobs is also misguided. I did all those things for my daughter. Always have. Being present was never an issue for me. And now I have full custody of my daughter which should go e some indication of the parent I’ve always been. Regardless, without context, your response is understandable. Appreciate you taking the time to read it. I encourage you to read other pieces from my blog.