This is more than a book launch
Today, my new novel Boys And Girls Screaming is officially out. My book launch is on Tuesday, April 12 from 6:00 p.m. — 7:00 p.m. EST.
Last night, I sat outside and let my mind reflect on what this really means to me. I dreamt of this day. I don’t just mean that figuratively; I mean that in my mind, when I closed my eyes, I had dreams about this moment. I saw myself here, squeezing this book to my heart like an enfant, grateful beyond any words can possibly express.
There’s something magical about writing. You go from this empty screen with nothing on it, to pages full of people and places and scenes that never existed before you wrote them. And then when you’re really lucky, you get to share your story with the world and have them feel inspired or entertained by what you wrote. There’s no other feeling like it.
I say this is more than a book launch because the word launch makes it feel like the beginning, and in some ways, yes, my book is officially out today. But for me, this is the continuation of years and years of believing in myself. It’s the culmination of perseverance, diligent work, and consistency.
I’m so thankful for this, and I hope you all will come join me on Tuesday to celebrate!